The Opening Meeting of MEY-DEB Project was Held in Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education. MEY-DEB PROJESİ 16 June 2022

The Opening Meeting of MEY-DEB Project was Held in Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education.

The opening meeting of Mesleki Yeterlilik - Demir Bilek (MEY-DEB) Project which is coordinated by İzmir Provincial Directorate of National Education was held on the 16th June 2022 in 15 Temmuz Sehitleri Conference Hall.

Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education, Dr. Murat Mucahit YENTUR, Provincial Directorate Assistant Manager Medet EKŞİ,

Chamber of industry representatives, sector representatives, charity and chamber representatives and trainees joined to the opening meeting.

The opening meeting of Mesleki Yeterlilik-Demir Bilek Project which is coordinated by Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education was held in 15 Temmuz Şehitleri Conference Hall.

The MEY-DEB Project which aims to raise qualified employees which labor market needs and employees with vocational values, innovative, entrepreneur, productive and to provide qualified labor which will add value to the economy is being carried out by the Agean Chamber Of Industry, Karabaglar Ataturk Vocational and Technical Anatolian Highschool, Karabaglar Vocational Training Center and Izmir Directorate of Probation. The participants of the Projects are Turkish Union of Chambers and Exchange Commodities (TOBB-MEYBEM) and Women and Democracy Association (KADEM).

As a result of the law change done for the vocational competence system in our country ,the Project is started to be implemented in 8 associations and 26 volunteers to raise the employees in Izmir that have Vocational Competence Document who national labor market looks for and the ones that adapt themselves  to rapidly changing social and economical and technological conditions .

With the aim of bringing the vocational training schools as leaders of education for infrastructure sector, The schools within the Project are being equiped with new and high technological machines and devices.

The main objective of the Project, to bring the unemployed and over 18 years old people to the labor to unify with the sector by providing qualified labor. Within the Project, it is aimed to find a solution for the employment problem with 182 employees in 50 factories which assures employment.

The program which started with one minute’s silence and Turkish national anthem continued with watching the project introduction video. The Project coordinator Funda SEL, informed the participants about the Project “Mesleki Yeterlilik-Demir Bilek (MEY-DEB)”.

Hasan ERDİRİK who is the representative of Manisa Chamber of Industry mentioned that they manage the documentation process in the sector by providing vocational competence courses and emphasized that there is a need of this kind of projects in sector.

Şanel ALA who is the representative of TOBB Vocational Competence and Documentation Centers emphasized that they are ready to any kind of support for the Project and thanked to the ones who contributes to the Project.

Necmi Sultani who is the directorate of Probation informed about the probation and emphasized that it is important for the convicted to get an occupation in order to hold on to life when they are free and he also thanked to the ones who contributed to the Project.

The General Manager Halit Güner Etken Hydraulic Pneumatics Industry who talked on behalf of sector representatives mentioned the lack of semi-qualified workers and determined that the Project MEY-DEB will contribute to this process and thanked to the people who works for the project.

Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education Dr. Murat Mucahit YENTUR, mentioned that education is a multiple process and expressed that being together with the sector is very important for both students and teachers. YENTUR who has emphasized the importance of speeding up the development in vocational training and increasing the employment. He also mentioned that education is important to raise labor who has the main the knowledge, skills and habits of industry.

YENTUR, who told that science and technology, rapid development and competition space and new working style ,innovation in vocational training and changing activities prove the importance of vocational training once more also urderlined that Mesleki Yeterlilik and Demirbilek Project is a Project which will provide to raise qualified and employees according to the  sector needs that can adapt new developments, will create the basis of production and industry and will also contribute to the operations to find semi qualified workers.

YENTUR mentioned that with this Project, they aim to raise employees who improves themselves permanently that can provide the sector needs and proper for the labor market level, innovative, equiped with vocational training in national and international level. He also mentioned that vocational training schools are shaped for finding a solution to employment problem of  the infrastructure sector and told that they contribute to the employment by  providing course and training of machine and devices for which there is no course and training , turning the schools into course centers  and also by the documentation of the trainees.

YENTUR who has emphasized that the works are shaped by following the innovations closely and he thanked to the sector representatives who came together for the Project.

Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education, Dr.Murat Mucahit YENTUR handed out the certificates of the trainees. The program ended with flower presentation and family photo.