Foundry work which is the base of industry is defined as melting down mine and alloy and sawaging after pouring them into the templates.
Foundry work forms the heavy branch of industry in both our country’s and world countries. After mining rake-vein which are found in the nature, they are melted with various methods and are turned into raw material. Later, raw material is melted with the mixture of other mine and alloys in little or big moulding workshops and factories which are founded according to their objectives. This melted alloy is used in various machines and moulding of spare parts.
When the countries which have reinforced and developed industry are observed, it is seen that the moulding industry is developed. Each branch of moulding needs different expertise.
The students educated in this field gain competences related to the processing of sand preparation, moulding, coremaking, operation, maintenance and repair of melting furnaces, mine melting and foundry, fetting, quality control and laboratory.
The students educated in this field can open their enterprises or have a wide employment opportunity in related branches of moulding industry moulding.

- Portal Crane Operator
- Metal Injection
- Basic Foundry Work