Information Technologies MEY-DEB PROJESİ 1 January 2021
Information Technologies field is the one in which education and training is given for upskilling network operating which is underlying in the field besides computer systems software and hardware installation, computer technical service, database programming and web programming.

In the branches that are in the field of information technologies, it is aimed to raise qualified vocational employees who gives necessary vocational competences according to the sector needs, scientific and technological developments

The students who graduate from Information Technologies Field are employed as technicians, web designers and customer representatives in computer companies or big operations.

They can work for the companies, public institutions, foundations that need or already serve for user interface application, use and management of  database programming, software companies that do web designing, the ones that prepare interactive programs working in web environment or companies, the public institutions or foundations that needs these services.

Open Courses
  • Computer Operating
  • Preparing Animation
  • Mobile Programming with Android
  • Network Operating
  • Arduino Programming
  • System Maintenance Computer Program
  • Robotic Coding
  • Graphics and Animation
  • Internet Programming
  • Object based Programming
  • Web Programming with

Vocational Courses and
MYK Exam Application Forms

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